Have you felt tired or sleepy at any point today?

If you answered yes, I have a remarkable “5-second power-up” trick for you to try right now...

It’s easy as pie... it’s clinically proven to boost your energy... and you don’t even have to get up from your chair to do it! Here it is:

[Pic stays on screen while the next four lines play underneath it.]

Just like you see in this picture... use your right hand to grasp the fleshy part between the thumb and index finger of your left hand.

Squeeze down on that fleshy part and massage it firmly for a few seconds. Really dig into it!

Don’t be surprised if you notice your eyes opening wider while you’re doing this. Some people even report a feeling a slight “rush” in their faces.

That’s because, right now, you’re pushing on a powerful energy pressure point...

It stimulates your nervous system — and makes your energy go up!

Massaging this pressure point for 3-5 minutes can give you a feeling like your whole body is “waking up”...

And guess what? You have four more of these energy-boosting pressure points on your body.

My name is Dr. Pedram Shojai, and I call these your “5 Energy Buttons.”

They were ALL shown to consistently increase energy in a groundbreaking clinical trial carried out at the University of Michigan Medical School.

And you’ll know all five of them before the end of this presentation. You’ll also know the amazing scientific reason why they work.

And this is just the beginning...

You see, I’ve put together this presentation because Americans everywhere are suffering from lower energy in their 40s, 50s, and 60s.

And not only can this lower energy hold you back from enjoying your life to the fullest...

It can also seriously affect your health!

This is because all of your body’s cells, tissues, organs, and systems depend on energy to function properly.

And the crazy part is, most people think low energy is just part of getting older... but it’s not!

Let me repeat:

You DON’T have less energy because you’re “getting older.”

As I’ll prove shortly... it’s actually the other way around:

You get “older” because you have less energy!

This is because energy is what your body uses to stay youthful and vibrant.

That’s why, in this video... you’re going to discover the shocking true reason why Americans born before 1975 are losing their energy.

And you’re going to learn a simple, three-part trick you can use today...

...to help you rapidly restore your youthful “bounce” — and support fantastic whole-body health — for the rest of your life.

I call this powerful energy-restoring technique, “The American Energizer.”

My patients consistently report huge increases in their energy — and overall health — from using it.

And you’re about to get an exclusive insider look into the amazing science behind this powerful energy trick...

You’re also going to make some incredible discoveries along the way!

For example, on top of the “5 Energy Buttons” I just mentioned... you’re about to learn mind-blowing secrets like:

✔ How fitness pros boost their energy and metabolism... by eating breakfast at 4PM.

It really works! And don’t worry... you’ll learn a trick to get the same “boost”... without having to wait until 4PM for breakfast.

✔ Another secret you’ll learn is how trillions of tiny “energy generators” are shutting down in your body — and what this is doing to your energy and health.

What’s more... you’ll discover how to turn these little generators back on — so you can look and feel younger and healthier almost immediately.

✔ You’ll also discover three “Energy Drainers” in your food that literally drain your body’s energy — like pulling the cork out of an energy barrel!

You’ll want to avoid these ingredients whenever you can... and “compensate” when you do eat them. You’re about to learn how to easily do both.

✔ And best of all, I’m going to show you a tasty drink you can prepare anywhere, anytime for an incredible energy boost.

I personally enjoy this drink at least once a day... and it’s elevated my daily life to another level! My patients love it, too...

Because it helps you feel vibrant and fresh... supports the health of every cell in your body... and even helps improve the appearance and glow of your skin. You’ll see how it does this shortly.

The bottom line is, by the end of this presentation...

You’ll never have to suffer from low energy or “feeling too old” again.

Again, I’m Dr. Pedram Shojai — author of the New York Times Health Bestseller, The Urban Monk — and founder of the Well.org Global Health Movement.

For my entire professional life, I’ve studied and treated energy — the vital electricity that powers every cell in your body.

I’ve spent years researching and developing techniques to increase this life-enhancing “electrical charge” in your cells.

And I’m honored that I’ve been invited on shows like The Today Show and Dr. Oz — to teach my groundbreaking techniques to people across America.

You see, after spending thousands of hours working one-on-one with countless patients...

I’ve discovered there are three processes that absolutely MUST work perfectly in your body — if you want to have abundant, lifelong energy.

I call them the 3 Energy Checkpoints.

Now, take a second and think of the most physically “alive” you’ve ever felt...

Perhaps when you were younger, or during a really exciting moment in your life.

You remember that light, effortless, “electrified” feeling throughout your body?

That will give you an idea of how you can feel physically — on a daily basis — when all 3 of your Energy Checkpoints are optimized.

After all, your body’s natural state is energized!

I should warn you that the opposite is true, too, though...

When something goes wrong at any of the Energy Checkpoints... your energy PLUMMETS.

And when this happens, it can affect your health in every way...

That’s because your energy level is like your “health meter.” It tells you how much power is available for every process inside you...

That air you’re breathing... that food you’re digesting... that blood pumping through your veins... those thoughts going through your head...

All these things demand energy — on the cellular level. And less energy often means ALL these processes are suffering.

Needless to say, when this goes on for too long... it can have serious consequences for your health — and life.

And the alarming part is... this is exactly what’s happening to most Americans right now — and they don’t even know it.

It’s gotten so bad that, according to the U.S. National Academy of Health...

America has now officially become the least healthy nation in the developed world!

And, as I’ll prove shortly... it’s all because our bodies literally don’t have the energy to stay healthy!

This is why I want to reveal to you the three alarming ways you, as an American, could be losing energy right now...

And along the way, I’ll show you how to fix all three — using the simple, powerful, energy-enhancing technique I call, “The American Energizer.”

Ready? Let’s dive in!

I’ll start off by asking you how many times you’ve heard THIS advice:

“Never skip breakfast. It’s the most important meal of the day!”

All the time, right?

Mainstream doctors and nutritionists have been saying this for years...

But it’s time for your first big shock of the video:

Breakfast is a SHAM.

Your body wasn’t designed to eat first thing every morning... and doing so cheats you out of energy!

Now, this might come as quite a surprise to you. So, let me make one thing clear:

You’ll still be able to eat breakfast.

In fact, what I’m about to show you is an amazing “breakfast trick” you’ll probably even love!

This trick is based on the REAL way your body was designed to eat food. It all comes down to your “hunter-gatherer” roots.

You see, the body you have evolved during the hunter-gatherer period of human history.

This period lasted for over 200,000 years. That’s a long time!

And in evolutionary terms, it ended very recently — only 10,000 years ago. That means not much has changed about the human body since then.

So, long story short... you have a hunter-gatherer body.

And if you lived back in hunter-gatherer days, there wouldn’t be any breakfast available when you woke up...

You’d have to go out and hunt your food...

As a result, you wouldn’t eat for at least a few hours after waking. And this led to a crucial development in human biology:

Your body evolved to use those “not-eating” hours for a special process that boosts your energy for the day’s hunt!

It’s called CELL RENEWAL. And it’s the first of the 3 Energy Checkpoints.

Now, I know most of us don’t spend all day hunting for food anymore...

But Cell Renewal is now essential for something else:

The constant demands of busy, modern life.

I’m talking about work, bills, stress, mortgage, kids, grandkids, groceries, taxes, traffic, email, more bills... it never ends!

Because you’re living in a modern, hectic world... you have demands tugging at you nonstop.

And these constant demands can leave you even more drained than you would be after an all-day hunt!

That’s why, without that “hunter-gatherer energy” you get from Cell Renewal...

Your whole body tends to “run out of gas” before the end of the day.

Think about it: How many times have you felt like your energy “crashed” in the middle of the day?

There’s a good chance that happened because your body didn’t go through Cell Renewal.

And those energy crashes alone can make daily life pretty tiring and frustrating at times...

However, there’s another, bigger reason you need Cell Renewal:

Cell Renewal keeps you from aging too fast.

You see, your cells are the tiny living building blocks you’re made of. However, these cells don’t last forever.

That’s why, during Cell Renewal, your old, worn-out cells are changed out for new ones.

And these new cells recharge your body with fresh energy — using tiny generators called “mitochondria.”

Think of this like your body is running on trillions of little batteries...

Whenever the batteries go bad, you have to change them out for new ones.

Otherwise, as more and more of your batteries go out... your body starts to lose power and break down.

When this happens, you start looking and feeling older faster than you should!

And THIS is why you want to make sure your body is going through Cell Renewal on a regular basis.

And that brings us back to the issue with breakfast — and to the first trick I want to show you...

You see, Cell Renewal turns on when you enter what’s called a “fasted state.” This simply means you haven’t eaten in a while.

You need roughly 12-14 hours of fasting time to give your body a chance to go through Cell Renewal.

When you eat breakfast first thing in the morning... you’re cutting off that fast too early — usually at about the 9-10 hour mark.

Hence the name, “break-fast.” You’re breaking the fast! And it’s shutting off Cell Renewal in your body!

That’s why many fitness pros and athletes have now started using a technique called intermittent fasting.

Basically, they eat all their calories 4PM and 10PM. And they don’t eat at any other time. This gives a huge fasting window for Cell Renewal to happen.

However, while this technique has helped these elite fitness people maintain their incredible bodies and energy...

For everyday people like you and me, it’s a little extreme.

Who wants to go 18 hours without eating?

The good news is, you don’t have to!

There’s an easier way to get the same benefits...

And this is where part one of the three-part “American Energizer” technique comes in:


On weekdays, stop eating at 9PM at night... and start eating again at 11AM the next morning.

Or you can go 8PM to 10AM, or 10PM to 12 Noon...

However you want to do it... the point is to have a 14-hour “fasting” window — including the 8 hours you sleep.

I call this the “Mini-Fast” technique.

Basically, you just avoid late-night fridge raids, and you eat breakfast late. And you even get to take weekends off from doing this!

Pretty simple, right?

And this gives your body enough time to to go through Cell Renewal, renew your cells — and keep you youthful, vibrant, and energetic!


If you’re worried about getting hungry during your Mini-Fast, don’t be...

Because there’s a special trick I’m going to show you in a moment. I call it the “Night-Before Fuel-Up.”

You can use this trick during your last meal of the evening...

And not only will it help you feel satisfied and not hungry throughout the Mini-Fast...

It’ll also skyrocket the amount of energy you get from Cell Renewal!

Also, since this report went live, I’ve had hundreds of people write in with the same question:

“Can the Mini-Fast help me lose weight?”

The answer is yes!

As scientists in both the U.S. and Britain have discovered... fasting from evening to late morning helps balance hormones — and curb your eating for the rest of the day.

This makes it far easier to take in fewer total calories.

What’s more, when you’re in a fasted state... your body burns fat for energy!

This helps you to trim down your waistline fast. Just another incredible benefit of the Mini-Fast technique you’ve just learned...

That being said, if you don’t think you’ll do the Mini-Fast every weekday...

Then, stay tuned for my Advanced Trick in a moment.

It’s a tasty drink you can prepare once a day for an incredible energy boost. It also supports a strong, healthy metabolism.

And even if you think you might not try the other techniques I show you... you can still see amazing benefits from this drink.

So, if you try nothing else I show you today, try the drink!

That’s coming up shortly.

First, as a health professional, I have to take a moment give you an


It’s about the second Energy Checkpoint in your body: CELL DEFENSE

Cell Defense is an important “weapon” your cells use to guard themselves from threats.

However, for many Americans, this “internal defense weapon” is now getting activated in ways it wasn’t designed for...

And this can cause it to “backfire” — and take a serious toll on your body’s ability to stay energized.

This can send your health — and happiness — on a downward spiral...

That’s why Cell Defense is at the center of some of the most groundbreaking health research of the past 30 years.

This astounding research has been led by award-winning scientist, Dr. Robert Naviaux — considered one of the world’s leading experts on cellular energy.

Dr. Naviaux and his team at UCSD Medical School recently discovered something very frightening about Cell Defense...

It can cause your body to switch to a scary “rapid-aging mode” — where your cells destroy themselves in order to kill threats!

It works by “reprogramming” tiny generators in your cells — called mitochondria.

Normally, the job of these mitochondria is to make all the energy in your body. Scientists have known this for years.

However, Dr. Naviaux and his team recently discovered your mitochondria have a SECOND job:

While Job #1 is making energy...

Job #2 is “weaponizing” your cells against threats.

And when there are chemicals, foreign substances, toxins, or other things in your body that look like threats to your cells...

Your mitochondria switch to Job #2 — which means your energy goes away!

Have you ever felt tired — like you needed to lie down — after you ate something that didn’t agree with you?

That’s an example of Cell Defense cutting off your energy supply — to destroy whatever harmful thing was in the food.

The last thing anyone wants is to feel this tired all the time...

Yet this is happening to millions of Americans right this moment!

And it’s because there are three key ingredients in American food that trigger Cell Defense like clockwork. I call them the 3 Energy Drainers. They are:



and Contaminants

The bad news is... these Energy Drainers are in tons of foods:

Non-organic produce, processed foods, most teas, soft drinks, industrially farmed meats and dairy... and basically anything that comes in a box or can.

And because it’s nearly impossible to avoid ALL these foods...

Cell Defense just gets triggered in your body over and over... and over...

As Dr. Naviaux and his team discovered... this can cause your cells to get stuck in defense mode full-time — which can totally shut down your energy production!

And it gets worse...

When your cells are in defense mode, do you know what they’re making instead of energy?

They’re making a POISON called peroxide! They use this peroxide to destroy threats...

So, when you’re stuck in defense mode full-time, they just keep pumping this peroxide out. And eventually it starts damaging your own cells.

This is known as cellular oxidative damage. And it’s one of the BIGGEST causes of accelerated aging!

So, not only do you lose energy... you literally get older faster.

It’s a vicious cycle... and it can leave you SWINDLED out of energy, youthfulness, health... perhaps even longevity!

So, what’s the solution?

Well, I’m not going to tell you to permanently avoid all the foods that have the Energy Drainer ingredients. There are just so many of them...

I will say go organic when you can. And try to eat fresh food and avoid processed foods whenever possible.

Of course, that’s sound advice anyone should follow...

What I want to show you right now is far more specific. It’s a simple, powerful technique you can use daily...

And it encourages your body to get in energy mode... and stay there!

That’s why it’s part 2 of the “American Energizer”:


Help defend your cells with plant Polyphenols — so your mitochondria can focus on making energy.

What are polyphenols?

They’re some of the most powerful super-nutrients known to science!

They act like “armed guards” for your cells.

They scavenge “free radicals” and other harmful compounds that can trigger Cell Defense...

And they even help dispose of that poisonous peroxide your mitochondria have been cranking out!

This helps your cells stay healthy and safe, so your mitochondria focus on their main job: making energy.

As a result, your body is able to achieve its optimum, energized state.

This is when you can experience the freedom of high energy, strong immunity, healthy digestion, bright skin, and increased confidence and happiness.

So, where do you get polyphenols?

The best sources of polyphenols are specific plants. The following greens are some of the best:

Green, leafy vegetables like spinach and kale

Peppermint leaves

Spearmint leaves

and Spirulina

That being said, if there’s anything I’ve learned working with thousands of patients...

It’s that many people don’t really want to eat large amounts of the things I’ve just listed.

If that’s how you feel, don’t worry! I’m going to show you the drink I make for myself daily that’s loaded with polyphenols.

Now, I still recommend rounding out your diet with lots of green veggies and fresh foods whenever you can...

However, I know many people have a hard time doing this consistently.

That’s why I created the drink. Think of it as your “energy insurance”...

Because... not only does this drink give you the most powerful polyphenols — for BOTH helping to defend your cells AND encouraging energy production in your body...

It also helps you optimize all three Energy Checkpoints — including the final Checkpoint: Body pH

Body pH is the most powerful, critical, and exciting Energy Checkpoint of all! I’m going to show you why in just a second.

First, I promised you I’d give you an amazing, secret “bonus” technique.

So, let’s get to that amazing trick right now:

SECRET BONUS TRICK: The 5 Energy Buttons

These are five powerful spots on your body you can press whenever you need a quick energy boost!

They’re referred to by health researchers as “Acupoints.”

They work by stimulating the energizing part of your nervous system — known as your “alerting network.”

This leads directly to a quick rise in wakefulness and energy!

You may even want to write these down...

Energy Button #1 is the one I showed you at the beginning of this presentation:

It’s called the LI-4 point. There’s one of these in the same place on each hand.

You can press it for anywhere from 30 seconds up to 5 minutes — depending on how much of an energy charge you need! The same is true with all the Energy Buttons.

Now, here’s Energy Button #2:

This one is known as the GB-20 point.

It’s located on the back of your neck, just below the base of the skull, right next to the spine. There’s a GB-20 point on each side of the spine.

You pick a side and press into it with your index and middle fingers and massage — like in this photo.

Next, Energy Button #3 is on your head:

It’s called the GV-20 point.

It’s located directly on the top of your head, in middle of the vertex area — like you see in this photo.

Simply take your middle finger or the pad of your thumb, press on this spot, and massage.

As a bonus, because it stimulates blood flow to the head... many people report greater mental energy when using this Energy Button!

Next, Energy Button #4 is on your leg:

[Photo coming soon, drawn by Bob]

It’s called the ST-36 point.

There’s one of these points on each leg. It’s located on the outside of your shin a few inches below the knee — like you see in this photo.

Simply press into this Energy Button with your thumb and massage up and down or in small circles for an energy lift.

The final Energy Button — Energy Button #5 — is on your foot:

It’s called the K-1 point. There’s one on each foot.

Most of my patients say this is their favorite Energy Button! It’s located on the bottom of your foot, where the arch meets the middle of the ball — like you see in the photo.

Press into this one with your thumb or fingers and move up and down or in circles — like you’re giving yourself a firm foot massage!

It feels good to do. And, because the nerves on your feet are so sensitive... this Energy Button gives the most powerful energy boost of all of them.

That’s why it’s the one I personally use the most.

Still, as wonderful as all these Energy Buttons can make you feel...

Nothing compares to how good you feel when you optimize the third and final Energy Checkpoint in your body: Body pH.

Because this is possibly the most VITAL health measurement there is.

A bad Body pH can even be a life-and-death situation!

You see, “pH” is a chemistry scale.

[The following lines will be delivered with a simple visual of the pH scale on the screen. Bob is drawing it now. Might be a good idea to have arrows appear pointing to specific points on the scale as they are mentioned.]

On one end of the scale is pure acid.

On the other end is pure alkaline — the opposite of acid.

In the middle is neutral — the pH of water.

Now, the pH of your blood has to remain slightly alkaline at ALL times — right about here.

[Have a vertical “needle” appear on the pH scale between 7.35-7.45, with a fat red arrow pointing to it.]

Anything too far outside of this narrow alkaline range can KILL you!

The good news is there’s a “pH protection” system in your body — and it keeps your pH alkaline at all costs.

The bad news is it uses ENERGY to do this — and this is where the REAL problem comes in.

If you’re like most Americans...

Everything from unhealthy American food... to polluted American air... is leaving unhealthy levels of acid your body.

[Move the needle on the pH scale slowly to the left]

And to fix that problem...

[Move the needle slowly back to the “ideal” pH]

Your body is having to steal energy that would otherwise be used for things like…

Looking young

Feeling great

Thinking clearly

Digesting your meals smoothly

Even staying skinny!

ALL these processes get put on the backburner in favor of protecting your pH.

The result is lower energy, a bigger waistline, and poor health — even if you do everything else right!

So, what’s the solution? It’s the final American Energizer Technique...


Use alkaline plants to help “neutralize” the acid that enters your body.

This way your body doesn’t have to do as much work protecting your pH...

And it can devote more energy to helping you feel amazing... instead of just keeping you alive.

I call this moving from “Survive Mode” to “THRIVE mode”

Because the less energy your body has to spend trying to keep things alkaline... the more energy it can funnel into things like:

✔ Powering your muscles so you can feel strong and youthful

✔ Burning through calories so you can stay lean

✔ Helping your brain stay active and sharp

✔ Keeping your digestion running smoothly

✔ Renewing and brightening the appearance of your skin

✔ Fighting off sickness and excessive aging — and keeping you healthy!

That’s why eating alkaline foods is one of the best-kept secrets out there for higher energy and stronger health at any age...

You’re literally maximizing the “energy economics” of your body — turning it into a well-oiled energy machine!

Now, some of the most alkaline foods out there happen to be on the polyphenol-rich list I mentioned earlier:

Peppermint leaves

Spearmint leaves

Dark green, leafy vegetables

and Spirulina

Plus some additional foods like:




and Dulse Leaf

Now, again, do you want to eat all the things on this list every day?

Probably not. Neither do most people. Even I don’t want to. Heck, most people don’t even know where to find some of them!

This is why I decided to create a tasty drink to enjoy instead...

This drink gives you an instant, concentrated blast of all the alkalizing nutrients in the greens I just listed.

And this will help you take care of your Body pH Energy Checkpoint easily!

The drink is also loaded with a potent dose of all the best plant polyphenols for cellular health — which will help you take care of your Cell Defense Energy Checkpoint.

That’s two out of three Energy Checkpoints... down.

Now, if you want to try the powerful 9PM-11AM “Mini-Fast” trick I showed you earlier... this drink will help with that, too.

This is precisely because the drink is so packed with polyphenols — not to mention vitamins, minerals, and other “micronutrients”.

In high concentrations, these “micronutrients” help you gain powerful control over your appetite.

That’s why, if you enjoy the drink with your last meal of the evening... you’ll be able to feel more satisfied and less hungry during the Mini-Fast.

I call this the “Night-Before Fuel-Up” — and it helps you to complete the “energy puzzle” in your body... by taking care of your Cell Renewal Energy Checkpoint.

That’s all three Energy Checkpoints in your body — perfectly optimized for youthful energy and powerful whole-body health at any age...

ALL thanks to ONE powerful, delicious drink you can prepare in a matter of seconds — and enjoy daily!

I spent months formulating, testing, and perfecting this drink. All of my years of energy research — and one-on-one work with patients — were distilled into this unique formula.

I sourced every single one of the 100% organic, plant-based ingredients from the top organic harvesters in the world.

And I partnered with one of the most respected nutrition labs in the country to make the final drink a reality.

Everyone who’s gotten to experience it to date has enjoyed an profound difference in their energy and health.

That includes me, by the way!

And now, I’m proud to unveil this potent energy-support drink publicly for the first time.

I call it:


Alkalizing Greens is the culmination of my decades of work in energy-based health and nutrition. It’s a complete energy support drink you can mix with water and enjoy daily.

And that’s why I can say, with full confidence, that this is the most potent formula on the market for helping you experience:

✔ A powerful, all-day charge of energy throughout your body — so you can take on every day with gusto... and even enjoy your favorite activities you haven’t felt up to enjoying for years

✔ Optimum skin health and beauty — so you can enjoy a healthy, youthful “glow” you probably thought you’d never experience again

✔ A well-supported metabolism — so you can burn unwanted body fat safely, effectively, and easily

✔ Enhanced mental energy — so you can think fast and clear... and handle any task that comes your way

✔ Healthy, balanced immunity — so you can enjoy life... without catching every bug that goes around!

And these are just a few of the benefits this formula is designed to give you.

It’s fortified with a whopping 18 organic, plant-based, nutrient-dense, polyphenol-packed, alkalizing ingredients — helping to support your energy and health from every angle.

Energizing ingredients like...

✔ Wheat grass and barley grass — both PACKED with healthy alkalizing minerals the help your body maintain a healthy pH easily.

✔ Aloe leaf, spearmint leaf, peppermint leaf, and matcha leaf — loaded with powerful polyphenols that help fight off damaging free radicals.

✔ Spinach, kale, broccoli, and cabbage — which are full of powerful compounds called phytonutrients...


These powerful nutrients not only help you feel fresh and energized all day long... they also help look it.

That’s because phytonutrients been shown to help your skin to protect itself from aging-related damage.

Now, the list of heavily researched, energizing ingredients in Alkalizing Greens goes on...

And every single ingredient in Alkalizing Greens is verified as top-quality and organic...

And the entire formula is quality checked at every stage of the manufacturing process.

Plus, every feature of the Alkalizing Greens formula — right down to the packaging — is third-party tested before it’s approved to ship to you.

That’s why I personally guarantee the energy-enhancing power of every package. I stake my reputation as a doctor and researcher on it!

And right now, you’re probably wondering how you can try Alkalizing Greens for yourself...

Well, the original plan was to make this formula available in health stores everywhere.

However, the more my team and I looked at at what it would take to get Alkalizing Greens on retail shelves...

The more we realized retail costs would make this formula way too expensive.

You see, Alkalizing Greens is already made entirely of premium, organic ingredients from the best suppliers out there.

In fact, some of the super-premium ingredients are so hard to source...

I’ve assembled a dedicated team to secure these ingredients every time we make a new batch!

And every batch is made in a high-tech laboratory with the best scientists, chemists, and quality assurance people in the health field.

NO expense has been spared in making Alkalizing Greens the best health and energy formula on the market.

If someone went to a nutrition store and managed to buy all the ingredients individually... it would easily cost them over $550/month!

However, thanks to special relationships I have with labs and suppliers across the country...

I’ve made sure Alkalizing greens does NOT cost anywhere near $550.

If I were to put Alkalizing Greens in stores, it wouldn’t even cost half that.

If my team and I got the best retail arrangements possible, Alkalizing Greens would cost $125 in stores for a month’s supply.

Now, I realize that would only be a little over $4/day for all-day energy and fantastic health — and I know many people would pay that...

I still felt that was too much. i wanted to give you the best deal possible.

But I was absolutely unwilling to sacrifice quality.

So, my team and I put our heads together — and we came up with the best solution possible:

We decided to cut out the middleman entirely and just offer Alkalizing Greens online directly to you, the consumer!

By doing this, we’ve been able to cut out all retail costs and offer the lowest price possible.

That’s why you’re not going to pay $550, not $200, not the $125 best-possible retail price...

Not even $80...

I’m proud to be able to offer a month’s supply of this premium, organic, groundbreaking formula for just $69.99 through the Urban Monk website. HOWEVER...

You’re not even going to pay that.

You see, you stuck with me through this whole presentation... put your faith in me... and educated yourself about how to increase your health by increasing your energy.

And I want you to know how that means the WORLD to me.

So, today, through this video only... I’d like to offer you a month’s supply of Alkalizing Greens — my flagship energy and health formula — for just $54.99


The response to this presentation has been absolutely incredible. I’m proud to say that, in the short time I put this this special report up... it has gone viral.

Thousands of people are now experiencing the energy-recharging power of Alkalizing Greens...

And the good news is, this has allowed me and my team to commission a bigger batch of Alkalizing Greens — at a better price.

Now, my accounting team recommended we keep the sale price the same, and just keep the extra profits...

But I firmly told them NO, and dropped the price immediately — because I wanted to pass the savings on to you!

So, I’m happy to report that your special price for Alkalizing Greens has now been reduced to $49.99.

That’s just $1.66 per day — less than the price of a small coffee at the gas station!

And, once you experience the the incredible boost in all-day energy you get from Alkalizing Greens...

You might not even want the coffee any more!

However, I can’t guarantee this special price will stay this low after the current batch is gone. And right now, it’s selling extremely fast.


I’ve been receiving hundreds of emails, all asking the same question:

“Can I order more than one package of Alkalizing Greens?”

I’m happy to say, the answer is now yes!

I’ve had my team update the secure order page with additional multi-pack options, so you can stock up at this incredible price.

What’s more, I’ve included some extra savings on the multi-pack options — so you can get an even better deal when you stock up!

You’ll see those options on the page.

So, as soon as you’re ready, go ahead and click the ‘Next Step’ button below and take advantage of this one-time special offer.

You’ll be taken to a secure order page where your information is protected by a 128-bit SSL encryption to ensure your privacy.

This way, you can place your order with complete confidence.

And, speaking of confidence... I also want to make sure you’re aware that your satisfaction with Alkalizing Greens is guaranteed.

You see, I’m so confident this formula will give you the energy-restoring, health-boosting benefits you’re looking for... I’ve arranged for you to try it for 90 days, risk-free!

Simply take advantage of this special offer today and try Alkalizing Greens for 90 days...

And if you don’t enjoy a dramatic increase in all-day energy...

If you don’t get that youthful “bounce” back in your step...

If you don’t gain more control over your health and appearance...

If you don’t see a brighter, happier, more youthful-looking face in the mirror...

Or even if you don’t like the color of the package Alkalizing Greens comes in...

Just contact our customer support team within the 90 days for a hassle-free refund, no questions asked.

You’ll receive a confirmation email with the contact info for customer support right after you place your order.

I’ve added this guarantee because I want to remove ALL obstacles that could stand in the way of you getting the health benefits you deserve from this formula.

I’m incredibly excited for you to experience these powerful, energizing benefits firsthand!

Now, before I go, I want to remind you of something very important...

You came to this page and watched this report for a reason.

And that reason won’t go away by itself.

Low energy tends to get lower as time goes on. And it continues to affect your health and life more and more.

This is especially true if you live in America — where your energy is getting drained constantly by the food you eat, the air your breathe, the stress you’re under... the list goes on.

So, don’t just think about how you feel now...

Think about 5 years from now!

I don’t want you to keep feeling older and less healthy when you don’t have to!

That’s why I formulated Alkalizing Greens.

It’s the easiest, simplest way I know of to support strong energy, immunity, and overall health in your body... at any age.

And the people who’ve tried it so far have reported some amazing results in a short amount of time.

Imagine experiencing some of the same incredible things they have:

Imagine what it feels like to spring out of bed full of energy in the morning...

Imagine going into the kitchen and starting to make yourself a cup of coffee...

...and then realizing you don’t need it...

Imagine going into the bathroom to brush your teeth and get ready — and being surprised by the bright, lively complexion you see in the mirror...

Imagine reaching the point in the day when you normally get tired or “crash”...

...and finding that you’re not tired at all! You’re still “fully charged” and alert...

Imagine enjoying hobbies you had given up years ago because you just “didn’t have it in you anymore”...

Imagine your body feeling healthier and stronger every day...

I could go on and on, but the point is this:

No matter what your age... life is full of wonderful moments, just waiting for you to experience them.

There’s no reason you should have to miss out on ANYTHING because of your energy or health.

That’s why I’ve dedicated so much of my life to increasing energy...

And that’s why I spent so much time and research developing the simple, energy-boosting solution that I now call Alkalizing Greens.

It’s right there, waiting for you to experience it on the next page.

But the next step is up to you.

Now is the time to take action — and seize control over your energy, health, and happiness.

Alkalizing Greens can help you do just that. And you get to try it today with no risk.

Whenever you’re ready, simply click the ‘Next Step’ button below — and begin your journey to higher energy and greater lifelong health and happiness.

And let me be the first to welcome you to the Urban Monk community.

I’m Dr. Pedram Shojai.

Thanks for watching.

[Long pause]

Still here? You probably have questions, which is very common.

Here are a few of the most frequently asked questions I get from my patients about Alkalizing Greens:

Question: How many packages should I order?

The most popular option is the 3-pack for new customers. And that’s what we usually recommend to start.

However, we’ve included the 6-pack option for repeat customers and people who want to take advantage of the extra savings.

No matter what your order size, your order is covered by a 90-day, risk-free, money-back guarantee.

Question: What's in Alkalizing Greens?

Alkalizing Greens is made of 100% organic ingredients. And every ingredient has been hand-selected to promote optimum energy and health in every cell of your body.

First, you have wheat grass and barley grass — both PACKED with healthy alkalizing minerals and nutrients.

These powerful grass greens were selected specifically to help optimize your body chemistry for maximum energy.

Next, you have aloe leaf, spearmint leaf, peppermint leaf, matcha leaf, and parsley leaf.

These unique greens are loaded with powerful polyphenols that help fight off free radicals.

This helps create a safe, protected environment for your cells to produce all the energy your body needs to stay healthy, youthful, and vibrant!

Next, you haves super-potent doses of vegetables like spinach, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage.

These vegetables were chosen for their high concentrations of phytonutrients. These are powerful plant-based nutrients known for incredible whole-body benefits like improved energy, enhanced immunity, strong bones, and better overall health.

Not to mention, phytonutrients have also been shown to provide powerful nourishment for your skin cells — helping your skin to protect itself from aging-related damage.

Next, you have special alkalizing algae blend of chlorella, spirulina, and dulse leaf.

These three unique algae are often considered the “ocean’s hidden superfoods.”

They pack a super-potent blast of vitamins, minerals, and alkalizing compounds that help every cell in your body stay healthy and energized.

Lastly, Alkalizing Greens contains a unique and potent fiber called Organic Green Pea Fiber...

This nutrient-dense, alkaline fiber helps to “pace out” your absorption of ALL the ingredients in Alkalizing Greens.

This enables your body to have a steady supply of alkalizing, energizing nutrients — all day long!

What’s more, every single ingredient in Alkalizing Greens is verified as top quality...

They’re all certified organic, and the entire formula is quality checked at every stage of the manufacturing process.

Plus, every feature of the Alkalizing Greens formula — right down to the packaging — is third-party tested before it’s approved to ship to you.

Question: How should I take Alkalizing Greens?

The answer to this one is easy. You simply mix one scoop of Alkalizing Greens into 8 ounces of water — or any drink of your choice — for incredible energy, nourishment, and overall wellbeing.

Question: What does Alkalizing Greens taste like?

Alkalizing greens has subtle, refreshing, semi-sweet, mostly neutral flavor.

It tastes great by itself in water... and it also mixes seamlessly into any beverage or smoothie you like.

Question: How long does it take to work?

Most people report an increase in energy within the first 24 hours of beginning Alkalizing Greens. And the difference in energy becomes more and more dramatic as the weeks pass.

By the end of the first month, many also notice their skin beginning to get brighter and more vibrant-looking.

And as more time passes and the energy systems in your body get healthier... don’t be surprised if weight loss becomes easier.

Another wonderful thing happens to people who consume Alkalizing Greens daily...

Usually around the 3-month mark, they realize they haven’t been sick in quite a while!

That’s because all the phytonutrients in alkalizing greens provide fantastic support to your immune system.

Just another benefit to look forward to.

That being said... because everyone’s body is different... everyone’s experience is also different.

That’s why I encourage you to take a full 90 days to explore your results with Alkalizing Greens before deciding whether or not it’s right for you.

Question: What if it doesn't work for me or I don’t like it? Is there a guarantee?

Because I want you to try Alkalizing Greens for 90 days, I’ve made sure you’re able to enjoy it for 90 days risk-free!

If, for any reason, you’re not satisfied with your results with Alkalizing Greens, simply contact my customer support team within 90 days for a hassle-free refund, no questions asked.

Because of how much research, development, and testing went into this formula... I’m confident you’ll enjoy it for years to come!

How safe is Alkalizing Greens? Are there any side effects?

Alkalizing Greens is thoroughly tested for safety. Every ingredient individually, the blend of all the ingredients, the packaging, everything...

This formula is completely safety- and quality-checked at every stage of the manufacturing process. And then, we take it a step further...

Before it’s approved to ship to you, Alkalizing Greens is independently tested and verified for quality and safety by a third party laboratory that specializes in stringent supplement testing.

You see, most of the energy formulas you see on the market are nothing you want to put into your body...

Those manufacturers load their products with chemicals and additives, and they skimp on the beneficial ingredients.

I want you to feel comfortable knowing the quality of Alkalizing Greens 100% uncompromised.

That’s why every single batch of Alkalizing Greens goes through the ultra-stringent testing process I just described — before it’s released for sale.

As for side effects, many people report increased energy, better health, brighter skin, greater happiness, more fun during the day, picking back up old hobbies, and more...

But I’d hardly call those side effects!

Nonetheless, you should certainly always consult your doctor with any questions or concerns before beginning any new nutrition program — including any new nutritional supplement.

And the last question: “Can I buy Alkalizing Greens in stores?”

The answer to this one is no. Here’s why...

Alkalizing Greens is made of top-shelf premium organic ingredients. We spared no expense in our quest to make this formula the best cellular energy support formula on the market.

So, to keep the price affordable, we eliminated any retail markups by offering this incredible formula directly to you — the consumer.

After all, there is no reason you should have to foot the bill for a store’s profit margins! You deserve the best price possible.

And through this video only, you get a special discount on top of the already-low Internet-only price. But I can only guarantee this discounted price for a limited time.

So, what are you waiting for? Click the ‘Next Step’ button below to begin your energy restoration journey with Alkalizing Greens now!

Thank you for watching, and I’ll see you on the next page.

[End of video]